Teaching Through
God’s Word
New Here?
Meeting new people and visiting new places can be overwhelming for some people. It is our sincere prayer and hope that your first experience at CCJR will be not only be exciting and fruitful but that you will feel welcomed and at home.
The Gospel
The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. The good news of the gospel can be summarized as the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.
You’ll discover a list of our teachings arranged in descending order. You can use the sorting buttons to filter the list by speaker, date, message series, or Bible book. If you’re looking for archived messages before May 2018, you can access them through our message archive page.
Interested in establishing a connection with CCJR? Explore our connection page to discover various avenues through which you can engage with us.
Church Schedule
There are multiple ways to take part in our services:
+ Come in Person – Join us in the sanctuary for worship
+ Outdoor Courtyard – Watch the service on screen
+ Live Streaming – Watch wherever you are
Men’s & Women’s
Bible Studies
First Sunday of the Month
+ Sanctuary
+ Outdoor
+ Streaming